Saturday, February 2, 2013

Migraine - Treatment in Homeopathy

A migraine is a type of headache caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the brain. It is limited to one side of the head, often affecting the temples and orbits. The person may feel nauseated and vomit. The headache is often described asthrobbing. The symptoms are aggravated by noise, light, and movement. 
The ophthalmic headache (aura stage) is characterized by visual disturbances such as temporary blindness or blurring vision. The symptoms may last a few second to one hour before the onset of migraine
Factors that may trigger a migraine are: 

  • atmospheric changes in the weather
  • hormones (menstrual cycle)
  • emotional stress
  • offending foods
  • additives (MSG, nitrates, and artificial sweeteners)
  • high consumption of alcohol 

Leading Remedies in Homoeopathy

Some homoeopathic remedies have an infinity to one side of the body or the other.

Arnica treats the onset of a migraine headache following a blow to the head
(accident, injury).

Sanguinaria treats cluster headaches. The pain starts at the back of the head

and extends to the deltoid muscle. It may occur every seven days. It is known as
the Sunday headache. It is a right sided remedy. A migraine headache on the right
side of the head during a period.

Belladonna is indicated in the treatment of migraine headaches. Throbbing pain
on the right temple, nose bleed, a flushed face with dilated pupils. The migraine is
aggravated by light, noise, and motion.

Sepia's headaches are hormone related. The migraine stops after exercise. The

person is pessimistic. She sees everything in black, she seeks the solitude.

Cimicifuga relieves occipital pain which extends from the head to the nose.

Gelsemium treats recurrent migraine headaches caused from emotional
instability. Pain over the left eye, heavy eyelids.

Cyclamen is indicated in the treatment of migraine headaches. Throbbing pain

over the right eye spreading to the left eye, blurred vision, nausea, and dizziness.
Migraine gets worse after drinking coffee.

Iris versicolor treats periodic migraine headaches caused from indigestion, the
vomit of bile. Blurred vision with pain on the right side of the head.

Spigelia relieves an intolerable migraine headache that starts on the left side of the
head and spreads to the other side. Motion makes the pain worse.

Silicea is indicated for pain at the back of the head that spreads over the eye. The
migraine is alleviated by wrapping the head with a band.

Lycopodium relieves a throbbing pain on the right temple with dizziness.

Ignatia treats a migraine that occurs after an emotional upset, grief, or a broken

Pulsatilla treats migraine headaches during a menstrual period. It is aggravated by
eating fatty food.

Lachesis for left sided complaints of women at menopause. A migraine on rising,
feels better in the evening.

Glonoinum treats migraine headaches that rise in the heat of the sun. It treats 

Kali bich treats a migraine that begins after drinking beer, nausea and vomit follows. 
Symptoms are aggravated from light.  

Thuya relieves left-sided migraine headaches. A sensation as if a nail is piercing the

Medorrhinum treats chronic migraine headaches.

Nux vomica relieves a migraine that occurs after drinking too much alcohol.

Aurum muriaticum treats a nervous migraine. Stools alternate from black to

Aurum metallicum for cerebral congestion. The person is suicidal.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Remove foods that may trigger an attack such as eggs, red wine, fermented
cheese, wheat, pop, coffee, and peanut butter.

Pork and chocolate may also trigger an attack.
Drink ginger tea to prevent migraine headaches.
Practice good food-combining.
Drink eight to ten glasses of water, per day.
Add a few drop of lavender oil to sesame oil and rub it on the temple.
Apply a cold pack to the feet.

Supplements for Migraine Headaches

Feverfew helps prevent migraine headaches.
Lavender oil helps relieve a migraine headache.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant.

Evening primrose oil can decrease the frequency of migraine
Vitamin C can help ease migraine headaches.
A Niacin deficiency may cause migraine headaches.