Showing posts with label sleep disorder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep disorder. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Insomnia - Homeopathic Treatment

Insomnia plagues over the globe, and is the most common sleep complaint. Insomnia means "no sleep" in Latin, and the condition is characterized by the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake refreshed. 

Until few decades, sleep was thought to be a passive dormant part in our daily lives. But with recent advances in Medical research, we now know that it is an active process and it affects our physical and mental health in many ways. Although quite a bit of what happens during sleep still remains to be uncovered, it is clearly evident that the sleep is extremely essential for our nervous system to work properly. Some experts believe that sleep is more important for our nervous system. Unlike other organs, the nervous system cannot replace the neurons (nerve cells), so it shuts down during sleep and gives neurons (nerve cells) time to repair and remove the byproducts of their cellular activity.

An individual is said to be suffering from insomnia (sleep disorder characterising inadequate sleep) when one or more of the following are present ; difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, unrefreshing sleep.
Insomnia can be classified as Transient (short term), intermittent (on and off) and chronic (constant). Chronic insomnia can result out of a combination of physical and mental disorders both or either one of them. Depression is the most common cause although physical causes such as night pains caused by arthritis, kidney and heart disease, restless legs syndrome, Parkinson?s disease and hyperthyroidism also can be the causative factors for insomnia. In addition some other factors also have role in insomnia ? excessive caffeine (tea, coffee) intake, intake of alcohol before bedtime, smoking cigarettes before bedtime, ditrupted wake/sleep schedules, excessive sleeping in the afternoon and at times it is the worry of having a difficulty in sleeping that causes it. Though insomnia is found in both the sexes it seems to be more pronounced in women after menopause. It is also more in the elderly

Homoeopathic Treatment for InsomniaHomoeopathy has numerous remedies that can be used to treat acute insomnia.
For most acute diseases, homoeopathic remedies can be taken in 6x, 6c, or 30c potencies. Most people have no aggravation from taking these small doses up to a few times a day. However for the ten percent of American who have chronic insomnia, the advice of a professional homoeopath or medical professional is advised.

Listed below are some common homeopathic remedies that may be useful for sleep disorders.

Aconite napellus
The homoeopathic remedy Aconite napellus treats all types of nervous and panic disorders and is especially useful in insomnia caused by pain and fears. The remedy is useful for people who are woken from their sleep by anxiety, panic or fears. They can be very drowsy, after dinner and even while walking. Those needing this remedy can sleep walk. They can be found sleeping on their backs with hands over their heads, as sleeping on the sides aggravates them. Used for acute insomnia caused by shock, fright, bad news, or grief. Also for fear, anxiety, and restlessness. May be woken by nightmares.

Arsenicum album
Arsenicum album is made from elemental arsenic. The person needing this remedy can be greatly fatigued but too restless to sleep. They are anxious about small things, and they wake unrefreshed. Those needing Arsenic wake frequently during the night and may have many dreams, for instance dreams of storms, fires, and darkness. They may experience a burning sensation under the skin. 
When you feel sleepy during the day but anxious at night. Restless in bed with anxious dreams and nightmares. Also for warmth, warm drinks, moving about, and sleeping propped up in bed.

Belladonna is made from the Deadly Nightshade, a plant in the Solanaceae family. This remedy helps those who are very restless and are woken up by their nightmares. They may also experience jerking while sleeping. The Belladonna constitution is drowsy in the evenings with much yawning at this time. They may experience a pounding in the blood vessels of the head or be kept awake by hearing the blood pulsing in their head. Their dreams are anxious and vivid: of fires, robbers and assassins. They may wake with a headache, as well.

Calcarea phosphorica
Calcarea phosphorica is a mineral remedy that can be helpful to children who wake from growing pains in the legs. Any aches in the bones and joints that prevent sleep may be helped by this remedy, in both children and adults. Those needing this remedy have difficulty getting to sleep because of the pain and discomfort and then have difficulty waking from sleep. They can wake frequently during the night as well, and also dream of danger and fires.
Difficulty waking and getting up in the morning, waking up before midnight. Painful teething in restless babies. Anxious, irritable, sluggish, and restless. Dislikes routine. Babies who scream in their steep and need lots of attention

Good for physical overwork and when the bed feels too hard and uncomfortable. This remedy is also useful for jet lag. 
Bedwetting in the early part of the night. Over-sensitive child easily upset and tearful. Afraid of the dark. Strong sense of justice.

Irritable baby who refuses to be calmed. Sleeplessness caused by teething, anger, or Colic. Moaning when asleep, eyes are half open when asleep. 
For the person who exhibits irritability, peevishness, and restlessness. It is an antidote for overuse of coffee. Exhibits sleeplessness and restlessness during the first part of the night. They have frightening dreams.
If exhaustion is related to changing work shifts or too many nights of staying awake, as when caring for a sick person. For over tiredness and exhaustion, use 12X.

Coffea Cruda
Coffea, the homeopathic remedy made from the coffee bean, is very useful in cases of sleeplessness when the mind is awake and working. Shows inability to relax due to the overexcitement caused by good news or ideas. Vivid dreams, over active mind, over excitement. The thoughts are not fixed on a disappointment, but nevertheless the nervous system seems to be overexcited, as if from drinking too much coffee. Take 3X to 200X for insomnia following too much coffee drinking. 
It is  found coffea cruda useful for people whose brains will not stop racing.

Wetting the bed during dreams. Nervous-system immaturity.

Sleeplessness caused by shock, emotional stress, or grief, where the person has become overwrought and moody, with frequent yawning or sighing. Jerks limbs when falling asleep. Mood swings, no thirst, dreams with bottled up anger and tension.

Kali phos
Right terrors, or waking with a sinking feeling in the stomach. Caused by excitement or mental strain. Also for anxiety, irritability, and muscle fatigue Exhausted by stress or overwork.

Sleep problems during the menopause. Sensation of suffocation at the throat or bed swaying as you go to steep. Dread of going to bed because of sudden awakenings and the sensation of swaying. Tendency to hold breath white fatting asleep. Night sweats. Waking anxious and feeling unwell. 

Muriaticum acidum
Generally used for emotional problems.

Nux vomica
Excellent for the person who is irritable and sleepless from stopping sedatives, or from too much mental stress, alcohol or food. For alcohol, overeating especially spicy, foods, noise, lack of steep. The sleeplessness typically occurs after waking up very early in the morning. The person cannot get back to sleep until just before the alarm goes off, and then gets up irritable and angry from lack of sleep.
For wakefulness in the middle of the night, use 6X to 12X.

If the person is feeling sleepy but unable to get to sleep, if the bed is too hot, or else sleep comes but it is so heavy that the person snores and cannot be roused.

Early waking with an overactive mind and/or recurrent thoughts. For anxious or vivid dreams, night sweats. Person is restless in first sleep, feels too hot and throws covers off, then feels too cold and lies with arms above head, not thirsty, or if the insomnia is worse after rich food. 

Difficulty falling asleep. Waking early feeling unrefreshed. Exhausted and depressed by over work and mental stress. Feels irritable and sleepy during the day. Suffers headaches, nausea and dizziness due to tiredness. Night sweats.

Awakened by the slightest noise and finds it difficult to get back to steep. Feels hot and thrusts limbs out from under the covers. Kept awake by a continuous flow of ideas. Vivid nightmares, disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, waking in the early hours then steeping late.

Wakes up early and unrefreshed just before time to get up. Pain where you have been lying, feeling cold, sleep-talking, anxious dreams, stress headaches.

Schuessler Tissue Salts
Take the following remedies for the various disorders, ten tablets each twice per day until condition improves.
For insomnia:
Natrum muriaticum 30X
Kali phosphorica 12X 

For oversleeping:
Natrum sulphorica 12X 

For nightmares:
Natrum sulphorica 12X 

For awake screaming:
Kali phosphorica 12X 

For crying out in sleep:
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 

For tiredness in the morning:
Natrum muriaticum 12X
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 

For those hard to wake in the morning:
Calcarea phosphorica 12X 

For constant desire to sleep in the morning:
Natrum muriaticum 30X

For sleep that does not refresh:
Natrum muriaticum 12X 

For great drowsiness in old persons:
Silica 30X 

For jerking of limbs during sleep:
Silica 30X
Natrum muriaticum 20X 

For anxious dreams:
Natrum muriaticum 12X

For vivid dreams:
Kali sulphorica 12X

Also visit:

The above given information is for general awareness of the commoners. Homeopathic medicines referred here should not be taken without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sinusitis is the medical term for inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the sinuses. It’s usually caused by infection.

Our sinuses are the moist air spaces within the bones of the face around the nose. The frontal sinuses are located in the area near the eyebrows; the maxillary sinuses are located inside the cheekbones; the ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes; and the sphenoid sinuses sit behind the ethmoid sinuses.

  • Sinusitis is caused by a variety of bacteria
  • Sinusitis often begins after an acute respiratory infection, which very often could be viral.
  • Less commonly it may occur after a tooth extraction or other dental procedures, or after diving or swimming in contaminated water.
  • Sometimes sudden changes in the climate, especially the sudden movement into cold climes, can also trigger an attack.
  • Patients with AIDS, and other immuno compromised patients are more prone to attacks of fungal sinusitis.
  • An attack begins with the inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane. This causes an obstruction of the opening of the sinus leading eventually to secretions accumulating in the sinus with associated pain and swelling.
Symptoms of sinusitis
The symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • Pain or pressure in the forehead, cheeks, nose and between the eyes
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Cough, which may be worse at night
  • Bad breath (called halitosis)
  • An ache in the teeth
 Prevention is better than cure

  • Colds and flu are spread primarily when an infected person coughs or sneezes near someone else.
  • A very common method for transmitting a cold is by shaking hands.
  • Everyone should always wash their hands before eating and after going outside. Ordinary soap is sufficient.
  • Waterless hand cleaners that contain an alcohol-based gel are also effective for every day use and may even kill cold viruses. (They are less effective, however, if extreme hygiene is required. In such cases, alcohol-based rinses are needed.)
  • Antibacterial soaps add little protection, particularly against viruses.
  • Wiping surfaces with a solution that contains one part bleach to 10 parts water is very effective in killing viruses.

  • Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of sinusitis, although professional constitutional care is usually necessary to cure chronic sinusitis.
Arsenicum: These children feel throbbing and burning pains in the sinuses. Their pains are aggravated by light, noise, movement, after midnight, and may be triggered by anxiety, exertion, and excitability. They may feel relief by lying quietly in a dark room with the head raised on pillows and exposed to cool air. Their teeth may feel long and painful. They may feel nausea and experience vomiting concurrent with their sinusitis.

BELLADONNA: Throbbing pains in the front part of the head that come on suddenly and tend to leave suddenly only to return are characteristic of children who need this medicine. (see Headache)

HEPAR SULPHUR: Rarely indicated at the beginning of a sinusitis condition, Hepar sulphur children begin sneezing and then develop sinusitis from the least exposure to cold air. Their nasal discharge is thick and yellow. The nostrils become very sore from the acrid discharge, and their nasal passages become sensitive to cold air. Concurrently, they may have a headache with a sense of a nail or a plug that is thrust into the head along with a boring or bursting pain. Their headache above the nose is worse from shaking the head, motion, riding in a car, stooping, moving the eyes, or simply from the weight of a hat, but is relieved by the firm pressure of a tight bandage. The scalp is so sensitive that simply combing the hair may be painful.

KALI BIC: The distinguishing feature of children with sinusitis who need this medicine is that they have a thick, stringy nasal discharge. They have extreme pain at the root of the nose that is better by applying pressure there. The bones and scalp feel sore. Dizziness and nausea when rising from sitting and the severe pain may lead to dimmed vision. The pains are worse by cold, light, noise, walking, stooping, and in the morning (especially on waking or at 9 am) or at night. They prefer to lie down in a darkened room and feel better by warmth, warm drinks, or overeating.

Mercurius: These children feel as though their head was in a vise. The pains are worse in open air, from sleeping, and after eating and drinking. The pains are also aggravated by extremes of hot and cold temperature. The scalp and the nose become very sensitive to the touch. Their teeth feel long and painful, and they may salivate excessively. The nasal discharge is usually green and too thick to run. It is offensive smelling and acrid.

PULSATILLA: The head pain is worse when lying down and in a warm room and is better in cool air for children who need this medicine. The sinusitis may begin after being overheated. Stooping, sitting, rising from lying down, and eating can aggravate the head pain, which is often in the front part of the head and accompanied with digestive problems. They get some relief from slow walking in the open air or by wrapping the head tightly in a bandage. This condition is commonly experienced when the child is in school. The nasal discharge is often thick and yellow or green.

Silicea: These children usually have a chronically stuffed nose. They have a sense as though their head would burst. The head pain tends to be worse in one eye, usually the right. It is aggravated by mental exertion (students tend to get sinusitis while studying for an exam). Cold air, moving the head, light or noise can also aggravate the head pain. It is relieved by wrapping the head warmly and tightly or by applying heat.

Spigella: Children who develop sinusitis with a sharp pain that is worse on the left side may need this medicine. They tend to get sinusitis after exposure to cold or cold, wet weather. They feel pain from warmth or when they stoop or bend the head forward, and they feel some relief by cold applications or from washing with cold water.

Sinusan of Bioforce company 
This is very affective compound and trust worthy giving immediate results.

Indication: For inflammatory colds of the upper respiratory tract, sinusitis,
rhinitis, irritation of the nasal passages, bronchial catarrh.

•  Adults: 20 drops in a tbsp of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times  daily.
• Children: Half the adult dose. Or as directed by the physician.
One of the Important Indications of each Ingredient is :

Hydrastis Canadensis 6x Reduces pus in sinusitis.
 Kali Bichromicum 6x Reduces headaches associated with Sinusitis.
 Lemna Minor 3x Clears stuffy nose.
 Luffa Operculata 6x Gives relief in cases of head colds.
 Mercuris Sulph Rub 8x Gives relief in cases of chronic sinusitis.

The above given information is for general awareness of the commoners. Homeopathic medicines referred here should not be taken without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Migraine Treatment in Homeopathy


Migraine is a neurological syndrome characterized by altered bodily perceptions, severe headaches, and nausea. Migraine headache is a neurological condition more common to women than to men. The typical migraine headache is unilateral (affecting one half of the head) and pulsating, lasting from 4 to 72 hours; symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light), and phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound).

What Causes Migrain?

Cause of migraine headache is unknown; The cause of migraine headache is unknown; the most common theory is a disorder of the serotonergic control system, which says, the pain thought to be linked with the drop of level of serotonin (chemical in the brain) leading to the dilatation and inflammation of blood vessels.It has a strong inheritance link associated with it and seems to run in families.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of migraine vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack cannot be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine attack listed below are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine sufferer.
1. The prodrome, which occurs hours or days before the headache.
2. The aura, which immediately precedes the headache.
3. The pain phase, also known as headache phase.
4. The postdrome
The typical migraine headache is unilateral, throbbing, and moderate to severe and can be aggravated by physical activity. Not all these features are necessary. The pain may be bilateral at the onset or start on one side and become generalized, and usually it alternates sides from one attack to the next. The onset is usually gradual. The pain may also be associated with – vomiting and nausea; sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, numbness and tingling.

What Triggers Migraine?

A migraine trigger is any factor that, on exposure or withdrawal, leads to the development of an acute migraine headache. Triggers may be categorized as behavioral, environmental, infectious, dietary, chemical, or hormonal. In the medical literature, these factors are known as 'precipitants.They include foods containing MSG (monosodium glutamate this is a taste additive that is often found in Chinese food preparation), pickles, fermented foods, nuts, chocolate, and red wine and dairy products.


Homeopathy cures migrain permanently. But it is a chronic disorder and may take few months to get cured. Even when the medicine is properly selected and working in the right direction, the headaches are not going to disappear in one go. Initially one will see a reduction in the severity and the frequency of the headaches. This gradually over a period of time would lead to the complete cure.

Homeopathic Remedy for Headaches and Migraine Diseases

Natrum muriaticum: Migraines (often on the right) that are worse from grief or emotional upsets, worse from too much sun, or occur just before or after the menstrual period, are likely to respond to this remedy. The headache feels "like a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain" and is often worse from eyestrain. The person may have numb or tingling feelings in the lips or face before the headache starts, and the eyes are very sensitive to light.
Sanguinaria: Right-sided migraines with tension in the neck and shoulder, extending to the forehead with a bursting feeling in the eye, are often relieved with this remedy. Jarring, light, and noise aggravate discomfort. The headaches improve after vomiting, as well as from burping or passing gas, and are often better after sleep. A person who needs this remedy often comes down with migraines after missing meals, and also has digestive problems and allergies.
Sepia: Left-sided migraines with dizziness and nausea, worse from missing meals, and worse near menstrual periods or during menopause, often responds to this remedy. Pain may come in shocks or jerks, and the person feels worse indoors and from lying on the painful side. A person needing Sepia feels weary, cold, and irritable, wanting no one to make demands on them.
Silicea (also called Silica): Migraines that come on after mental exertion or near the menstrual period may indicate a need for this remedy—especially in a nervous person who is very chilly. Headaches are usually right-sided, starting in the back of the head and extending to the forehead, and are worse from drafts or from going out in the cold without a hat.
Spigelia: Excruciating headaches on the left side of the head, with violent throbbing, or stitching p
Belladonna: Migraines that start in the back of the skull or upper neck and spread to the forehead and temple (especially on the right) may indicate a need for this remedy. Pain is throbbing or pounding, and worse from jarring, light, and noise. Headaches often begin in late morning or afternoon, and may be worst around three p.m. The face may be flushed and red, and the skin feels hot, although the feet and hands are often cold. The pupils may be dilated, with sensitivity to light, and the person may either feel delirious or drowsy.
If you have Migrain Problem then we can provide a good treatment. Just register your self on our website at and create your case profile. Our Doctor will then be able to understand your problem and suggest a treatment plan for you.

The above given information is for general awareness of the commoners. Homeopathic medicines referred here should not be taken without consulting your Homeopathic Physician.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Migraine - Treatment in Homeopathy

A migraine is a type of headache caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the brain. It is limited to one side of the head, often affecting the temples and orbits. The person may feel nauseated and vomit. The headache is often described asthrobbing. The symptoms are aggravated by noise, light, and movement. 
The ophthalmic headache (aura stage) is characterized by visual disturbances such as temporary blindness or blurring vision. The symptoms may last a few second to one hour before the onset of migraine
Factors that may trigger a migraine are: 

  • atmospheric changes in the weather
  • hormones (menstrual cycle)
  • emotional stress
  • offending foods
  • additives (MSG, nitrates, and artificial sweeteners)
  • high consumption of alcohol 

Leading Remedies in Homoeopathy

Some homoeopathic remedies have an infinity to one side of the body or the other.

Arnica treats the onset of a migraine headache following a blow to the head
(accident, injury).

Sanguinaria treats cluster headaches. The pain starts at the back of the head

and extends to the deltoid muscle. It may occur every seven days. It is known as
the Sunday headache. It is a right sided remedy. A migraine headache on the right
side of the head during a period.

Belladonna is indicated in the treatment of migraine headaches. Throbbing pain
on the right temple, nose bleed, a flushed face with dilated pupils. The migraine is
aggravated by light, noise, and motion.

Sepia's headaches are hormone related. The migraine stops after exercise. The

person is pessimistic. She sees everything in black, she seeks the solitude.

Cimicifuga relieves occipital pain which extends from the head to the nose.

Gelsemium treats recurrent migraine headaches caused from emotional
instability. Pain over the left eye, heavy eyelids.

Cyclamen is indicated in the treatment of migraine headaches. Throbbing pain

over the right eye spreading to the left eye, blurred vision, nausea, and dizziness.
Migraine gets worse after drinking coffee.

Iris versicolor treats periodic migraine headaches caused from indigestion, the
vomit of bile. Blurred vision with pain on the right side of the head.

Spigelia relieves an intolerable migraine headache that starts on the left side of the
head and spreads to the other side. Motion makes the pain worse.

Silicea is indicated for pain at the back of the head that spreads over the eye. The
migraine is alleviated by wrapping the head with a band.

Lycopodium relieves a throbbing pain on the right temple with dizziness.

Ignatia treats a migraine that occurs after an emotional upset, grief, or a broken

Pulsatilla treats migraine headaches during a menstrual period. It is aggravated by
eating fatty food.

Lachesis for left sided complaints of women at menopause. A migraine on rising,
feels better in the evening.

Glonoinum treats migraine headaches that rise in the heat of the sun. It treats 

Kali bich treats a migraine that begins after drinking beer, nausea and vomit follows. 
Symptoms are aggravated from light.  

Thuya relieves left-sided migraine headaches. A sensation as if a nail is piercing the

Medorrhinum treats chronic migraine headaches.

Nux vomica relieves a migraine that occurs after drinking too much alcohol.

Aurum muriaticum treats a nervous migraine. Stools alternate from black to

Aurum metallicum for cerebral congestion. The person is suicidal.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Remove foods that may trigger an attack such as eggs, red wine, fermented
cheese, wheat, pop, coffee, and peanut butter.

Pork and chocolate may also trigger an attack.
Drink ginger tea to prevent migraine headaches.
Practice good food-combining.
Drink eight to ten glasses of water, per day.
Add a few drop of lavender oil to sesame oil and rub it on the temple.
Apply a cold pack to the feet.

Supplements for Migraine Headaches

Feverfew helps prevent migraine headaches.
Lavender oil helps relieve a migraine headache.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant.

Evening primrose oil can decrease the frequency of migraine
Vitamin C can help ease migraine headaches.
A Niacin deficiency may cause migraine headaches.